'WEB-INF'에 해당되는 글 916건


Screen English

Slappy : Hello papa, How long's it been?

Feel like forever

Who are your new friends?

Zach : We're not friends

Champ: Barely know him

Stine : Slappy, it's so nice to see you again.

Slappy : Did you miss me?

Slappy : 안녕 아빠. 이게 얼마만이지?

정말 오랜만인 것같아

새 친구들이냐?

Zach : 우린 친구가 아냐

Champ: 거의 모르는 사이야

Stine : 슬래피, 다시 만나서 정말 반가워

Slappy : 나 보고 싶었어?

거의 모르는 사이야

- I hardly know who he is

- I know almost nothing about him

Kiss English

Dialogue 1

A: People can be so critical

(사람들은 상당히 비판적이 될 수 있찌)

B: Whatever other people say, be yourself

(다른 사람들이 모라던 , 네 자신이 돼)

Dialogue 2

A: I have butterflies in my gut

(나 긴장이 돼)

B: Whenever I'm scared, I take deep breaths

(겁이 날때는 언제든, 나는 심호흡을 하지)

Dialogue 3

A: Safety is priority number on when driving

(운전할때 안전이 제일 우선이지)

B: Whenever I drive, I always buckle-up

(운전할때 항상 안전띠를 메지)

'English > GMP.2016' 카테고리의 다른 글

[GMP] It's still very impressive  (0) 2016.05.20
[GMP] It's somewhere safe  (0) 2016.05.20
[GMP] I sufferd from terrible allergies  (0) 2016.05.17
[GMP] I'm so over this  (0) 2016.05.16
[GMP] Nobody ever talks about that  (0) 2016.05.13
블로그 이미지



[Java] Constructor

Back-End/Java_1 2016. 5. 17. 14:00


- Constructors are required to create objects for a class. Constructors are used to initialize the instance variable of an object

- It must have the same name as that of the class and have no return type

- If you don't define a constructor, then the compiler creates a default constructor

- Use this() to communicate from one constructor to another constructor in the same class

- Use super() to communicate with super class constructor

1. Default Constructor

- You can also call a constructor without parameters as default constructor because all of its class instance variable are set to default values

2. Constructor Overloading 

- Like method overloading we can overload constructors also

3. Constructor chaining

- Calling another constructor in the same class from another constructor is called constructor chaining.

By using this() we can call another constructor in the same class

this() should be the first line the constructor

4. SingleTon 

- We can make constructor as private. so that we can not create an object outside of the class

Singleton Pattern helps us to keep only one instance of a class at any time

'Back-End > Java_1' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Java] JDK, JRE, and JVM  (0) 2016.06.03
[Java] Exception  (0) 2016.05.18
[Java] Enum  (0) 2016.05.13
[Java] Array  (0) 2016.05.12
[Java] Static  (0) 2016.05.11
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Screen English

Stine : Where do I begin?            

When I was young,

I suffered from terrible allergies

that kept me indoors,

and all the kids threw rocks at my window

and called me names

So, I create my own friends

Stine : 어디서 부터 시작할까?

내가 어렸을 적에

심한 알레르기를 앓아서 집에서만 지내야 했어

모든 아이들이 내 창문에 돌을 던지며 

나에게 심한 말을 했어

그래서 난 나만의 친구들을 창조했지

난 심한 알레르기를 앓았어

- I had devastating allergies

- I was horribly allergic to things

Kiss English

Dialogue 1

A: What does feel like to date a movie star?

(유명 배우랑 데이트를 하는 건 어떤 기분일까?)

B: I wouldn't want to know

(나는 알고 싶지 않는데)

Dialogue 2

A: What does feel like to live abroad?

(해외에 사는건 어떤 기분일까?)

B: You're mostly on your own

(대개는 혼자서 해결해야 하지)

Dialogue 3

A: What does feel like to be a parent?

(부모가 된다는 건 어떤 기분일까?)

B: It's scary and beautiful

(무섭고 또 아름답지)

'English > GMP.2016' 카테고리의 다른 글

[GMP] It's somewhere safe  (0) 2016.05.20
[GMP] barely know him  (0) 2016.05.18
[GMP] I'm so over this  (0) 2016.05.16
[GMP] Nobody ever talks about that  (0) 2016.05.13
[GMP] We are not here for book club  (0) 2016.05.12
블로그 이미지



Screen English

Hannah : Why we can't be normal for once?

Stine : Because we're not a normal family

Now go get your things

Hannah : I'm so over this

Stine : Oh! Teenagers


Hannah : 우리는 왜 한번이라도 평범 할 수 없는거죠?

Stine : 왜냐하면 우린 평범한 가족이 아니니까

이제 가서 네 물건들 챙겨

Hannah : 이런 일은 정말 신물이 나요

Stine : 으이그 십대란

이건 정말 신물이 나

- l've had enough of the

- This is over, for me

Kiss English

Dialogue 1

A: Paul is my best friend

(폴은 나의 베스트 프랜드야)

B: Paul is the one who brings out the best in you

(폴은 너를 최고로 이끌어 내줄 한사람이야)

Dialogue 2

A: Bob is a selfish person

(밥은 이기적인 사람이야)

B: Greed brings out the worst in people

(탐욕은 사람에 최악을 끄집어 내지)

Dialogue 3

A: Some stars are arrogant

(어떤 스타들은 거만해)

B: Ego brings out the worst in celebrities

(자만은 유명인에게 최악을 끄집어내지)

'English > GMP.2016' 카테고리의 다른 글

[GMP] barely know him  (0) 2016.05.18
[GMP] I sufferd from terrible allergies  (0) 2016.05.17
[GMP] Nobody ever talks about that  (0) 2016.05.13
[GMP] We are not here for book club  (0) 2016.05.12
[GMP] We'll be out of your hair  (0) 2016.05.12
블로그 이미지

