'WEB-INF'에 해당되는 글 916건


Screen English

Zach : Why couldn't you have written storied about rainbows and unicorns?

Stine : Because that doesn't sell 400 million copies

Champ: Whoa domestic?

Stine : No, worldwide.

It's still very impressive

Zach : 왜 무지개나 유니콘에 관한 얘기를 쓸수 없었던 거에요?

Stine : 왜냐면 그러 이야기로는 4억부 씩 팔려 나가지 않거든

Champ: 국내만요?

Stine : 아니 전세계적으로

그래서 아주 인상적이야

그래도 아주 인상적이야

- Even so, that's awesome

- That's nonetheless pretty great

Kiss English

Dialogue 1

A: Our business is struggling

(우리 사업이 고전하고있어)

B: We face fierce competition from large companies

(우리는 대기업의 맹렬한 경쟁에 직면해 있지)

Dialogue 2

A: Can you win in the game?

(이 게임에서 이길 수있겠어?)

B: I face competition from highly skilled pro

(난 숙련된 전문가의 경쟁에 직면해 있어요)

Dialogue 3

A:Will Mary mary Will?

(메리가 윌과 결혼 할까?)

B: Will face competition from mary's ex

(윌은 메리의 전 남친과의 경쟁에 직면해 있어)

'English > GMP.2016' 카테고리의 다른 글

[GMP] You're grounded  (0) 2016.05.24
[GMP] I have to get hold of my son  (0) 2016.05.23
[GMP] It's somewhere safe  (0) 2016.05.20
[GMP] barely know him  (0) 2016.05.18
[GMP] I sufferd from terrible allergies  (0) 2016.05.17
블로그 이미지



Screen English

Stine : It's not just me

That typewriter is special

It has a soul of its own

if I write on anything else, it won't work

Zach : Where is the typewriter?

Stine : Oh, don't worry. It's somewhere safe

Stine : 단지 나 때문은 아니야

그 타자기가 특별한 거야

그 타자기엔 영혼이 실려 있어

다른 것으로 글을 쓰면 전혀 효과가 나지 않은거야

Zach : 그 타자기가 어디에 있는데요?

Stine : 걱정마, 어딘가 안전간곳에 있으니까

그건 안전한 어딘가에 있어

- It's in a safe place

- It's in safekeeping

Kiss English

Dialogue 1

A: Where did Jim rush off to?

(짐은 어디를 그렇게 서둘러 갔어?)

B: He ran to the hospital, worried that Sally got injured

(그는 셀리가 다쳤을까 봐 걱정하면서 병원으로 달려갔어)

Dialogue 2

A: Did you have trouble waking up?

(기상하는 게 힘들었어?)

B: I set five alarms, worried that I'd sleep in

(늦잠을 잘까봐 걱정이 돼서 자명종을 5개나 맟춰 놓았어)

Dialogue 3

A: Doesn't Sam like dogs?

(샘이 개를 안좋아해?)

B: Sam didn't touch the dog, worried that he'd get bitten

(샘은 물릴까바 개를 만지지도 않아)

'English > GMP.2016' 카테고리의 다른 글

[GMP] I have to get hold of my son  (0) 2016.05.23
[GMP] It's still very impressive  (0) 2016.05.20
[GMP] barely know him  (0) 2016.05.18
[GMP] I sufferd from terrible allergies  (0) 2016.05.17
[GMP] I'm so over this  (0) 2016.05.16
블로그 이미지




- Bug or discussion about development

- Issue is managed by BTS(Bug Tracking System)

1. When do we use ?

- Find a bug

- Counsel or question

- Function that will be added

2. Syntax Highlight


def hello_world

puts 'hello'



3. How to handle the issues

3_1. Label

- Attach a Label to the issue

3_2. milestones

Use Milestones to create collections of Issues and Pull Requests for a particular release or project.

4. To do list

5. Control Issue by using commit

5_1. commit to relate to issue

- Issues has a own number like #1

- I commit with issue number 

5_2. Issue will be closed 

- Example : commit message + fix #1

close #1

resolve #1.. etc

블로그 이미지



[Java] Exception

Back-End/Java_1 2016. 5. 18. 15:30


- An exception is an event, which occurs during the execution of a program, that interrupts the normal flow of the program

- The Throwable class is the superclass of all errors and exceptions in the java language

- Exceptions can be handled by using 'try-catch' block

- If a method doesn't handle the exception, then it is mandatory to specify the exception type in the method signature using 'throws' clause

- We can explicitly throw an exception using 'throw' clause

1. How Exception terminates java program

whenever exception arises, it terminates the program execution, means it stops the execution of the current java program

2. Handling

Exceptions can be handled by using "try-catch" block

3. Throws

The throws clause in java programming language is belongs to a method to specify that the method raises particular type of exception while being executed

Anybody calling a method with a throws clause is needed to be enclosed within the try catch blocks

4. Throw

Use 'throw' statement to throw an exception or simply use the throw clause with an object reference to throw an excpetion

The syntax is 'throw new Exception();' Even you can pass the error message to the Exception constructor

5. Multiple Catch Blocks

A single try blocks can have multiple catch blocks. This is required when the try block has statements that generates different types of exceptions

If the first catch block contains the Exception class object then subsequent catch blocks are never executed

The last catch block in multiple catch blocks must contain the Exception class object.

This is because, the java compiler gives an error saying that the subsequent catch blocks haven't been reached. This is known as Unreachable code problem

6. Finally

- The finally block always executes immediately after try-catch block exits

The finally block is executed incase even if an unexpected exception occurs

The main usage of finally block is to do clean up job

The runtime system always executes the code within the finally block regardless of what happens in the try block, so it is the ideal place to keep cleanup code

7. Without Catch

- You can handle exception still without having catch blocks also, only thing you need to do is declare the throws clause in your method signature, so that the calling function would handle the exception, Before throwing exception, it executes the finally block

8. Custom Exception

Sometimes it is required to develop meaningful exceptions based on application requirements. We can create our own exceptions by extending 'Exception' class

'Back-End > Java_1' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Java] JVM  (0) 2016.06.03
[Java] JDK, JRE, and JVM  (0) 2016.06.03
[Java] Constructor  (0) 2016.05.17
[Java] Enum  (0) 2016.05.13
[Java] Array  (0) 2016.05.12
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