'WEB-INF'에 해당되는 글 916건

[npm] 1. What is NPM?

Tools/npm 2016. 2. 23. 14:53
  • NPM
1. Define

- npm(node package manager) is a default package manager for the Javascript runtime environment   Node.js

- As of Node.js version 0.6.3 NPM is bundled and installed automatically with the environment

- NPM runs through the command line and manages dependencies for an application 

2. About

- Once you're depending on this code from other developers, npm makes it really easy to check to see if they've made any updates to it, and to download those updates when they're made

- It's a way to reuse code from other developers, and also a way to share your code with them, and it makes it easy to manage the different versions of code

3. package.json

- These bits of reusable code are called packages, or sometimes modules.
- A package is just a directory with one or more files in it, that also has a filed called "package.json" with some meta data about this package 
- A typical application such as a website, will depend on dozens or hundreds of packages

4. packages

- You can find packages to help you build your application by browsing the npm web site

'Tools > npm' 카테고리의 다른 글

[npm] Using a package.json  (0) 2016.06.21
[npm] Installing npm packages  (0) 2016.06.21
블로그 이미지


  • Screen English
Hope : Are you sure they can handle this?
Luis : oh, we can handle it! we're professionals
Hank : you'll forgive us if we're not instilled with confidence
Dave : Hey, everybody, just kick back and relax a little bit man

( instill- (어떤 의식・느낌 등을 가지도록) 불어넣다[심어 주다/주입하다)

   긴장좀 풀고 쉬도록해
  1.  put your feet up and take it easy
  2.  sit back and chill out   

  • Kiss English

1. Dialog

A: I'm commited to the project

(나는 프로젝트에 전념할거야)

B: The possibillites ars endless when you have a passion 

(열정이있을때 가능성은 끝이 없지)

    2. Dialog

A: We've got a good backer

(우리는 후원자를 얻었어)

B: The possibilites are endless when we have funding

(자원금이 있으면 가능성은 끝이 없지)

3. Dialog

A: I've got a lot to lose

(내가 손해날게 많은데)

B:  The possibilites are limited when the stake are high

(위험부담이 클때 가능성은 제한되지)

블로그 이미지


  • Screen English
Hope : He knows, He's baiting you! We have to call it off!
Hank : we're all taking risks
Hope : what if he saw me here?
Hank : He didn't. There's no way.
Hope : How do you know that?

( bait - 미끼를 놓다, call it off - 취소하다, 중단하다,, take rist - 위험을 감수하다)

   우린 중단해야해
    1.  We have to call it off
    2.  We must put an end to it
    3.  We have no choice but to cancel it       

  • Kiss English

1. Dialog

A: without exception, we all pay taxes

   (예외없이, 우리 모두는 세금을 내지)

B: Money makes the world go around

           (돈이 세상을 돌아가게 하니까)

    2. Dialog

A: without exception, they're all spoiled
     (예외없이, 다 상했어)
B:  They should have been frozen.
 (냉동 했어야 했는데)

블로그 이미지




etc/main 2016. 2. 19. 15:11

안녕하세요 :) 

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