  • Screen English
Hope : He knows, He's baiting you! We have to call it off!
Hank : we're all taking risks
Hope : what if he saw me here?
Hank : He didn't. There's no way.
Hope : How do you know that?

( bait - 미끼를 놓다, call it off - 취소하다, 중단하다,, take rist - 위험을 감수하다)

   우린 중단해야해
    1.  We have to call it off
    2.  We must put an end to it
    3.  We have no choice but to cancel it       

  • Kiss English

1. Dialog

A: without exception, we all pay taxes

   (예외없이, 우리 모두는 세금을 내지)

B: Money makes the world go around

           (돈이 세상을 돌아가게 하니까)

    2. Dialog

A: without exception, they're all spoiled
     (예외없이, 다 상했어)
B:  They should have been frozen.
 (냉동 했어야 했는데)

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