
How to send a Pull Request

- My Code source was copied from other origin repository

- I can send a my changed code to origin repository

1. Pull request flow

1) I've used a open source code and find a bug

2) I fixed a bug and then send a my changed source to origin repository

3) When I send a pull request, The origin repository will be made a issue automatically

4) Manager will  handle it

2. Pull request init

2_1. Fork


- fork

2_2. clone

2_3. branch

- Before I develop the clone repository, I have to make a topic branch

- Check a branch

- Making a topic branch

2_4 Add a code

2_5. Commit

git diff

git commit

2_6. Make a remote branch

3. Sending a Pull Request

3_1. Change a branch and Check

3_2. Create pull request

4. Beyond Pull request

4_1. To send a pull request for discussion during developing

- Suggest a new function 

- Advice

- etc..

4_2. How to  inform us of status of developing

- To prevent a wrong merge during developing, I can attach a [WIP](work in progress) in my request source

5. Manage repository

- How to maintain latest status of my forked repository

5_1. Fork, clone

5_2. configure repository name

5_3. Get latest data


'CM(ConfigurationManagement) > github' 카테고리의 다른 글

[GitHub] What if you push the wrong file(dir) to github?  (0) 2016.08.25
[GitHub] PullRequest Handling  (0) 2016.06.06
[gitHub] Issue  (0) 2016.05.19
[GitHub] 2. Info about github  (0) 2016.05.15
[GitHub] 1. SSH Key  (0) 2016.05.08
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