
Screen English

Sully : We all did it. We survived.

Elizabeth : First Officer skiles,

is there anything you'd like yo add?

Anything you would have done differently

if you had to do it again?

Jeff : Yes, I would have done it in July

Sully : 우리 모두 함께 해냈어요. 우린 살아남았어요

Elizabeth :스카일스 부기장님

덧붙이고 싶은 말씀이 있으신가요?

또 다시 이러일을 해야 한다면,

뭔가 다른 선택을 할 만한 게 있을까요?

Jeff : 네, 저는 7월에 했을 거에요

덧 붙이고 싶은 말이 있어?

- Do you have anything more to say?

- Is there something else you with to say?

Kiss English

Dialogue 1

A: I went to school, only to find it was sunday

(학교를 갔는데, 보니까 일요일이더라고)

B: Brilliant


Dialogue 2

A: I took a sip of tea, only to find it was coffee

(차를 한모금 마셨는데, 보니까 커피더라고)

B: I like both

(난 둘 다 좋아하는데)

Dialogue 3

A: I drove there, only to find it was canceled

(운전해서 갔는데, 보니까 그게 취소된 거있지)

B: They should have notified you

(그 사람들이 너한테 통보해 주었어야지)

블로그 이미지

