  • Screen English
Philippe : These towers; They stir something inside of me
    and They inspire in me, a dream.
My dream is to hang a high wire between those Twin Towers and walk on it

   그것들이 내안에 무언가를 뒤흔들어요
  1. They move me
  2. They get to me, spiritually.

  • Kiss English

1. Dialog

A: What do I need to change my name?

(제이름 바꾸는데 뭐가 필요하죠?)

B: That's a lot of red tape.

(관공서의 불필요한 절차가 많아요) * red tape = 관공서 불필요한 요식

    2. Dialog

A: What do I need to make a tossed salad?

(드레싱에 버무린 샐러드를 만드는데 뭐가 필요하죠?)

B: Get a variety of fresh vegetables

(신선한 채소를 다양하게 구매하세요)

3. Dialog

A: What do I need to get a credit card?

(신용카드 만드는데 뭐가 필요하죠?)

B: You need a job and a bank account.
(직업과 은행계좌요)

블로그 이미지


  • Screen English
Hank : There's something I want to show you.
I realized you can't destroy power.
All you can do is make sure that it's in the right hands.
This is an advanced prototype that your mother and I worked on together

   네가 할 수 있는 건 그게 올바른 사람손에가 있게 하는 것 뿐이야
  1. The best you can do is to leave it in good hands
  2. Giving it to the right person is the only thing you can do.

  • Kiss English

1. Dialog

A: You can't go wrong with Korean food here.

(여기의 한국 음식은 실패하는 법이 없지)

B: It's making my mouth water.

(입에 침이 고이게 하네)

    2. Dialog

A: I can't go wrong with making this choice

(이 선택을 하는데 잘못된건 없지)

B: Go for it, then

(그럼, 그걸 목표로 가자고)

3. Dialog

A: The world can't go wrong with stopping wars

(세상이 전쟁을 멈추는데 잘못된건 없지)

B: Peace must prevail.
(평화가 널리 퍼져야만 하지.)

'English > GMP.2016' 카테고리의 다른 글

[GMP] Suddenly, I freeze  (0) 2016.03.02
[GMP] They stir something inside of me  (0) 2016.03.02
[GMP] Something happend with the cameras  (0) 2016.02.26
[GMP] There must be something else  (0) 2016.02.25
[GMP] It's not too late  (0) 2016.02.24
블로그 이미지


  • Screen English
Paxtton : Scott, I met with my captain today
He wanted a report of the night that You got out of jail
Something happend with the cameras.
Circuit got fired,
but I told him that you were processed correctly
Scott : Really?

   카메라에 문제가 생겼어
  1. The cameras malfunctioned.
  2. There was some camera related problem.

  • Kiss English

1. Dialog

A: It makes no sense to put money in a fake idea

(이상한 생각에 돈을 투자하는건 말이안되)

B: You can say that again

(지당한 말씀이야)

    2. Dialog

A: It makes no sense to eat after midnight.

(자정이후에 먹는건 말이 안되)

B: It does if my belly is growling.

(배가 꼬르륵 대면 말이되지)

3. Dialog

A: It makes no sense to expect me to change.

(내가 바뀌길 기대하는건 말이안되)

B:  You are who you are.
(너는 너니까 )

블로그 이미지


  • Screen English
Hank : You don't remember anything?
Scott : Hank, I don't
Hank : There must be something else
          Well, I suppose the human mind just can't comprehend the experience, but you                   made it! you went in and you get out 

   분명뭔가 다른게 있을거야
  1. There must be more
  2. There has got to be more than that

  • Kiss English

1. Dialog

A: She can't keep a straight face when she lies

(그녀는 거짓말 할때 얼굴에 티 나)

B: You know her well 

(너가 그녀를 잘알지)

    2. Dialog

A: It's hard to keep a straight face all the time

(늘 진지한 표정 유지하기 힘들어)

B: Let your emotions show

(너의 감정을 들어내)

3. Dialog

A: When you keep a straight face, I can tell you're upset

(진지한표정 지을떄 니가 화난거 알아)

B:  I can't help it
(나도 어쩔수 없네 )

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