  • Screen English
Philippe : These towers; They stir something inside of me
    and They inspire in me, a dream.
My dream is to hang a high wire between those Twin Towers and walk on it

   그것들이 내안에 무언가를 뒤흔들어요
  1. They move me
  2. They get to me, spiritually.

  • Kiss English

1. Dialog

A: What do I need to change my name?

(제이름 바꾸는데 뭐가 필요하죠?)

B: That's a lot of red tape.

(관공서의 불필요한 절차가 많아요) * red tape = 관공서 불필요한 요식

    2. Dialog

A: What do I need to make a tossed salad?

(드레싱에 버무린 샐러드를 만드는데 뭐가 필요하죠?)

B: Get a variety of fresh vegetables

(신선한 채소를 다양하게 구매하세요)

3. Dialog

A: What do I need to get a credit card?

(신용카드 만드는데 뭐가 필요하죠?)

B: You need a job and a bank account.
(직업과 은행계좌요)

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