
Screen English

Katie : How do you feel when people call you a hero?

Sully : I don't feel like a hero

I'm just a man who was doing his job

Katie : The right man for the job at the right time

You've been flying for what, nearly 40 years?

Sully : Forty-two. It's been my life

Katie : 사람들이 영웅으로 부를 때 어떤 기분이 들죠?

Sully : 제가 영웅이라는 생각은 안 해요

그 저 임무를 수행한 사람일 뿐이죠

Katie : 딱 필요한 때에, 그 일에 적격이었던 분이죠

비행하신 지가 거의 40년이나 되셨다고요?

Sully : 42년이요, 평생을 바쳤죠

난 그저 임무를 수행 했을 뿐이야

- I was doing what I was supposed to do

- I was only doing my job

Kiss English

Dialogue 1

A: Well done

( 잘했어)

B: Without your support, I would've failed

(너의 지원이 없었다면, 나는 실패했을 거야)

Dialogue 2

A: Sorry things didn't work out

(일이 잘되지 않아서 유감이야)

B: Without a Plan B, I would've been up a creek

(대비책이 없었으면, 난 곤경에 처했을 거야)

Dialogue 3

A: How did she figure things out?

(그녀가 어떻게 상황을 파악을 했어?)

B: Without prior knowledge, she wouldn't have guessed

(사전 지식이 없었다면, 추측도 하지 못했을 거야)

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