
Screen English

Red : I don't have a poem

Matilda : Uh-huh. Why not?

Red : Because I didn't write one

Matilda : Right. Uh-huh. And is there a reason?

Red : Well, you know, I was gonna do it,

but then I thought about it and I realized,

"Oh, this is a huge waste of my time"

Red : 제겐 시가 없어요

Matilda : 저런, 왜 없어요?

Red : 왜냐하면 쓰지 않았거든요

Matilda : 그렇군요, 그럴 만한 이유라도 있나요?

Red : 그게 말이죠. 처음엔 쓰려고 했었는데,

생각해보니까 그런 생각이 들더라고요

"이건 엄청난 시간 낭비야"

이건 엄청난 시간 낭비야

- This is all for nothing

- There's no good reason for this

Kiss English

Dialogue 1

A: I had to give up my ticket for the magic show

(나는 마술 쇼의 입장권을 표기해야만 했어)

B: I'm sorry to hear that

(그 말을 들으니 안타깝네)

Dialogue 2

A: The police had to release their suspect

(경찰은 용의자를 풀어 줘야만 했어)

B: They had no evidence against her

(그녀에 대한 증거가 없었잖아)

Dialogue 3

A: My dentist had to do a root canal

(내 치과 주치의는 신경치료를 해야만했지)

B: That must have hurt plenty

(그거 상당히 아팠겠겠네)

'English > GMP.2016' 카테고리의 다른 글

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[GMP] Please hold your applause  (0) 2016.10.07
[GMP] Would you like to share your story with us?  (0) 2016.10.05
[GMP] You're gonna have a blast  (0) 2016.10.04
[GMP] I think you got an anger issue  (0) 2016.10.03
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