'CM(ConfigurationManagement)/git'에 해당되는 글 5건


Basic information

0. config

0_1. Config a name and E-Mail 

0_2. To read a command line easily

1. git init

- initialize a repository

2. git status

- Status of git repository

- This repository has a master branch

- There are no commit files

2_1. To make a README.md

3. git add

- add a file to stage area

- stage : Temporary area before file will be committed

4. git commit

- Record a repository status

4_1. git commit -m ''First commit"

- To write a message 

4_2. git commit  

- To write messages

- If you have a error like this

- You have to set up a editor

git  config --global core.editor "\"C:\Windows\notepad.exe\""

5. git log

- I can check a status of commit 

5_1. To print a first line

- git log --pretty=short

5_2. Show me only Folder or file log

- git log README.md

5_3. File that changed

- git log -p

- git log -p README.md

6. git diff

- Check a content that changed

- (+) is added

- (-) is deleted

6_1. git diff HEAD

- Compare status between latest commit and stage

'CM(ConfigurationManagement) > git' 카테고리의 다른 글

[git] gitignore 설정이 작동안 할 때  (0) 2018.08.01
[git] 4. Remote config  (0) 2016.05.12
[git] 3. commit control  (0) 2016.05.09
[git] 2.Create a branch  (0) 2016.05.08
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