
Remote config

1. git remote add    

git remote identifier is origin

2. git push

2_1. transmission from master


local branch's upstream will be set up as a origin(remote)'s master branch

so when you execute a pull command, you can get a master branch on the remote repository

2_2. transmission from others

3. git clone

3_1. To get a remote repository

3_2. remote's branch feature-D How to checkout

- git checkout -b feature-D

(Create a branch's feature-D)

- origin/feature-D

(reference to remote branch's feature-D)

3_3 Commit as a feature_D

3_4 To push to feature-D

3_5. git pull

'CM(ConfigurationManagement) > git' 카테고리의 다른 글

[git] gitignore 설정이 작동안 할 때  (0) 2018.08.01
[git] 3. commit control  (0) 2016.05.09
[git] 2.Create a branch  (0) 2016.05.08
[git]1. Basic information  (0) 2016.05.08
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