[Jasmine] Jasmine

Tools/jasmine 2016. 7. 21. 14:18


1. What is the Jasmine?

- Jasmine is a behavior-driven testing framework for Javascript

- Jasmine is an automated testing framework 

2. How to get

- There are two ways to get a jasmine

1) download zip 

- https://github.com/jasmine/jasmine/releases

2)  npm

2_0. install

# Local installation:

npm install --save-dev jasmine

# Global installation

npm install -g jasmine

2_1. Init

- jasmine init

- jasmine examples

2_2. Usage

- jasmine

3. Usage

3_0. Src

3_1. Spec

 1) suite 

- describe("Hello.....) What we call a suite

- This is basically a component of your application

- This suite is called "Hello World"

2) spec

- it()

- This is called a spec

- For each suite, you can have a bajillion specs for the bajillion tests you want to do

3) matcher

- We're testing if helloworld() does equal "Hello world".

- This check is called a matcher

- I can also make my own matcher

3_2. SpecRunner

1) SpecRunner.html

2) view

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