
(2)Action Tags_useBean

1) jsp:useBean action tag

- The jsp:useBean action tag is used to locate or instantiate a bean class

- If bean object of the Bean class is already created, it doesn't create the bean depending on the scope

- If object of bean is not created, it instantiates the bean


1_1. index.jsp

1_2. java

2) jsp: setProperty and jsp: getProperty

- The setProperty and getProperty action tags are used for developing web application with Java Bean

- It is a reusable software component that represents data

2_1. setProperty

- It you have to set all the values of incoming request in the bean

<jsp: setProperty name="bean" property="*"/>

If you have to set value of the incoming specific property

<jsp: setProperty name="bean" property="username"/>

- If you have to set a specific value in the property

<jsp: setProperty name="bean" property="username" value="Kunar"/>

2_2. getProperty

- The jsp: getProperty action tag returns the value of the property

<jsp: getProperty name="obj" property="name"/>

2_3. Example

- index.html

- process.jsp

- The part of the red is set for property

- The part of a green can get values

- Java

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