Page directives
- The jsp directives are messages that tells the web container how to translate a JSP page into the corresponding servlet
1. Syntax
<%@ directive attribute="value" %>
2. page directive
- The page directive defines attributes that apply to an entire JSP page
2_1. Syntax
<%@ page attribute="value" %>
2_2. Attributes
- import
- contentType
- extends
- info
- buffer
- language
- isELIgnored
- isThreadSafe
- autoFlush
- session
- pageEncoding
- errorPage
- isErrorPage
2_3. How to use
1) import
- It is used to import class, interface or all the members of a package
- It is similar to import keyword in java class
2) contentType
- The contentType attribute defines the MIME(Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) type of the HTTP response
- Default value is "text/html; charset-ISO-8859-1"
- When I reload the welcome.jsp page, welcome.jsp page is downloaded
3) buffer
- The buffer attribute sets the buffer size in kilobytes to handle output generated by the JSP page
- The default size of the buffer is 8Kb
4) isELIgnored
- We can ignore the Expression Language(EL) in jsp by the isELIgnored attribute
- By default its value is false i.e. Expression Language is enabled by default
5) errorPage
- The errorPage attribute is used to define the error page, if exception occurs in the current page, it will be redirected to the error page
6) isErrorPage
- This attribute is used to declare that the current page is the error page
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